Dirty Pair costume design

How would I design a live action version of Dirty Pair?
Here's the exercise I applied to myself. As for every costume reinterpretation, the key is to keep the main features of the original, tweak them a little to fit our current fashion tastes (mines, at least).
Then add some cool extra features if there's room for it. Easy, done and done (of course not).

Jessica Henwick would make a terrific Kei, she's got the stamina and physical abilities for it.
Amandla Stenberg would make for a perfect Yuri, also physical and dynamic, she'd be a nice counterpart to Henwick, balancing the duo just the right way.

Jessica Henwick would make a terrific Kei, she's got the stamina and physical abilities for it.
Amandla Stenberg would make for a perfect Yuri, also physical and dynamic, she'd be a nice counterpart to Henwick, balancing the duo just the right way.

There's a million ways to design costumes based on a well known franchise, of course.
Being my own AD on this one (and having no script, obviously) the choices I made seemed logical and sensible to me for an all age live action movie or series project.

There's a million ways to design costumes based on a well known franchise, of course.
Being my own AD on this one (and having no script, obviously) the choices I made seemed logical and sensible to me for an all age live action movie or series project.

For Yuri's jacket, I kept the color code from the original one and made it a puffer bomber to contrast with the shorts she's wearing.
Nothing to sosphisticated, easily readable, with a hint of scifi/cyberpunk vibe (bevels and such recognizable shapes).

For Yuri's jacket, I kept the color code from the original one and made it a puffer bomber to contrast with the shorts she's wearing.
Nothing to sosphisticated, easily readable, with a hint of scifi/cyberpunk vibe (bevels and such recognizable shapes).

Kei's jacket, is a tribute to Crusher Joe, created by Haruka Takachiho before Dirty Pair. Both projects live in the same universe, and cross over from time to time in the OAVs and the DP movie.
Keeping it simple, easily readable and reproductible.

Kei's jacket, is a tribute to Crusher Joe, created by Haruka Takachiho before Dirty Pair. Both projects live in the same universe, and cross over from time to time in the OAVs and the DP movie.
Keeping it simple, easily readable and reproductible.

Kei & Yuri's boot designs. Updating them with more "realistic" features and modern lines.

Kei & Yuri's boot designs. Updating them with more "realistic" features and modern lines.

It's always fun to try and think about how things work, and also add some fun references (it's not because we take things seriously that we can't have fun).

It's always fun to try and think about how things work, and also add some fun references (it's not because we take things seriously that we can't have fun).

Yuri's compact handgun has been a blast(er) to redesign.
Keeping the original shapes and colors, updating it a bit with some carbon material and tech features. The battery pack system was already in the original design, I didn't invent it.

Yuri's compact handgun has been a blast(er) to redesign.
Keeping the original shapes and colors, updating it a bit with some carbon material and tech features. The battery pack system was already in the original design, I didn't invent it.

The strap wasn't in the original design but I figured everybody loves a little fun gift when they're assigned their own service gun (at least I hope Yuri does).

The strap wasn't in the original design but I figured everybody loves a little fun gift when they're assigned their own service gun (at least I hope Yuri does).